Mike Catignani has been a powerhouse in the printing industry since 1991, specializing in digital printing since 2000. Kicking off his career with Hot Foil Blocking, Mike quickly moved on to master screen printing and lithographic printing, gaining a wealth of experience along the way.

In 2001, Mike took a bold step into the future by purchasing one of Apple’s first digital cameras, the Apple QuickTake. This leap into digital photography ignited a new career and a fierce passion. Shifting gears from reproduction to pre-press, Mike dove deep into the world of Photoshop and QuarkXPress.

Transforming low-resolution images into stunning high-quality prints was a thrilling challenge that Mike tackled head-on. His journey in output technology began with laser and bubble jet printers, progressing to advanced inkjet solutions.

By 2020, Mike had invested in two top-of-the-line Canon giclee printers, pushing the boundaries of print quality. He immersed himself in courses and seminars, mastering everything from monitor calibration to ICC profile management.

Currently, Mike is on a mission to achieve the highest qualifications in digital printing. When he’s not working, you’ll find him exploring the scenic hills of Scotland with his dog Gerard, capturing breathtaking wildlife photos.

Need expert advice on digital printing, especially giclée? Reach out to Mike—he’s excited to share his knowledge and help you achieve outstanding results.